
August 29, 2020

Watch the questions and answers to make a career in IT on my Live Show – Musings with Software Engineers. This is Episode 002 of the live show that happened on 29-Aug-2020.

Find the answer to – What are the skills required for SDE1, SDE2 and SDE3? and 30 more questions from Software Engineers in this live show. Check all the questions answered in this live show below this video.

Questions Discussed in this Episode

1. What are the skills required for SDE1, SDE2, or SDE3?

SDE stands for Software Development Engineer. Different companies follow different levels within the company to define the hierarchy of software engineers within the company. Product Based software companies have a traditionally flat structure, whereas Service-Based software companies have a lot more complex structure. But you can go from one level to another depending on your skills and experience. Watch the video for more discussion on this topic.

2. Any idea about the EPAM Company PEP program?

EPAM is a progressive software development company. They have something called the EPAM PEP Program, where they give freshers training in the software field to get experience with the software industry. In this video, we are going to discuss whether this program is good for engineers or not.

3. How to improve in the Application Support role?

Application Support can be an important part of your roles and responsibility within a Software Company. Though many engineers feel that this role is easy – we need to remember that we are dealing with clients. We have to ensure that the application is functioning as intended, and the clients can do whatever the Application is being developed for. For these reasons, the Application Support Engineer role becomes essential. In this video, find out how you can become a good application support engineer by understanding one rule that will help you solve any problem without much friction.

4. How to answer in an HR Interview when they ask, “Why am I switching from Electrical Engineering field to Software Industry?”

HR interview is the door to your more technical interview. Even if you know everything technically – it is possible that you miss out on an opportunity just because of a question that HR asks you. And when it comes to switching industries, HR will not let you move forward in your job search unless you have a good reason. So in this video, I talk about the difference between an HR Interview vs. a Technical Interview and how you can have an answer for any question from HR if you understand the HR mindset.

5. What is the scope of Full Stack Developer after Covid Pandemic?

Full Stack Development means that you know front-end programming, backend programming, and database development. If you know all three things, then you will become a full stack developer. But what is the scope of a Full Stack Developer after Covid? Find out in this video.

6. What is the importance of Graduation for a High Salary in the IT Industry?

Nowadays, we are constantly thinking about our Bachelor’s Degrees. Are they worth it? Are they required? This phenomenon is not new. A few examples of people without graduations have made it big in the world. The like of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg are known for dropping out of college. In this scenario, what is the importance of graduation in the IT Field? Does it impact your salary? Check this in this video.

7. What is the importance of Graduation for High Salary in IT Field?

This debate of whether you should go to college or not has been raging for a long time. Pundits and gurus have written off our education system, saying it is of no use. At the same time, companies and industries are dependent on the skills and talents coming out of colleges after graduation. Can I put water over this argument? Is graduation required for a job? If it is required, can you get a high paying job just because you are a graduate?

8. How to learn and master Java Programming Language?

Java Programming language has been prevalent since the 1990s. It is one of the most used programming languages when it comes to building web applications. It is also compelling because you can build an application for any device or platform without changing how you build an application. In this video, I discuss how you can start to learn the basics of Java and then master the Java programming language.

9. Should you switch companies or jobs often for salary raises or stay with the same company for a long time?

This is an eternal question for software engineers. IT Industry is one field where the movement of people is very high. People join one company and then move from that within a year or two. What toll does it put on the skills of the engineer, and do companies admire this behavior? There are times when you cannot avoid it. But what are those times? Find out in the video.

10. How to crack a technical interview for a job in a software company?

Every company hires based on the technical skills of an individual within the software industry. Most companies conduct a technical interview for this purpose. Some such interviews are fundamental, whereas others are challenging to crack. In this video, I will give you one tip that will change the way you will prepare for technical interviews in the present and future. I have used this method, and it works like a charm every time.

11. What is better doing in Online Course vs. Offline Course?

Everything has gone online. Education is a big part of it. We have places like Udemy, Coursera, EdX, SimpliLearn, Udacity, and more online presence. They can teach you everything you need to become a software engineer. But there are still offline classes happening for the same technology. Something that I did in 1995 and 1997. But what is the value of Offline vs. Online today? Find out in the video.

12. How to overcome bugs and errors in a software startup? I’m working very hard.

Bugs and errors are part of the software development process. But too many can slow down the productivity of the entire team. So you need to take the necessary steps as a software engineer who can deliver good code or bug-free code as much as possible. In this video, I discuss a simple technique that will help you eliminate most code errors. If you can follow this technique, it will also improve your coding skills and enhance your company’s growth prospects.

13. What is the scope of Reach.js in the future?

A software engineer by the name of John Walke created React.js for Facebook in 2011. At this point, it was only being used by Facebook. But when Facebook bought Instagram in 2012 or 2013, they had to decouple React libraries from the Facebook environment to make it open source. Though it was launched in 2013 to the world – the adoption of React Js started only after 2016. But what is the scenario today – Is it worthy of learning? Can software engineers make a career by learning React.js?

14. How to develop a Technical Solutions Mindset?

If you are in the software industry, then you need a technical solutions mindset. It would be best if you came up with solutions using existing or new technologies. You need to solve the problems of your clients that the clients themselves have not been able to solve. For this, you need a technical solutions mindset. Can you develop a technical solutions mindset? Find out more in this video.

15. What is the future of Web Development compared to No Coding Platforms?

No Coding Platforms are becoming more popular by the day. These platforms promise that you can develop a software application without needing to write any code. Will this remove all the software development? Will it make the software engineer’s jobless? This question keeps creeping into the minds of all the software engineers. Find out the ultimate answer in this video about web development and no coding platform.

16. What to do in free time?

Are there really people who have free time? I’m impressed by them. I am sure I will fumble in giving this answer because all I am trying to think about is how I can get more free time? See what I said about this in my video.

17. How to climb the corporate ladder quickly?

Usually, in most companies, your progress seems at a slow pace. Everyone wants quick promotions, and big salary raises from the first year they start working. But companies are constantly evaluating your value to the company. They are constantly trying to find out whether you are a good return on investment. In this scenario, your view about your performance and your companies feelings towards them can be the difference between the north pole and the south pole. So then, is it possible to climb the corporate ladder quickly?

18. How is placement after Covid-19?

Covid 19 Pandemic struck every one of us really hard. I cannot imagine any person who did not get impacted. But one of the most impacted people just finished their graduation and were looking forward to starting. Most companies stopped placements immediately at the start of the pandemic in April of 2020. This was a piece of devastating news for those who wanted to start a job. It was more devastating for people who already had offers in hand from campus interviews. Because most companies even stalled the new joiner process. Well – what is the status of placement now? Is it improving – please find more information in the video

19. What to do Python, ML, and AI or Android Development?

Today every software engineer is asking, Which technology to learn? Because in the past, when I started programming in 1997 – at that time, we used to talk in terms of programming languages. We used to ask whether we would use Visual Basic or FoxPro or C and C++ to develop our applications. The came Java and a whole lot of web technologies. One programming language, – Python, started becoming popular. Because this language was ancient but was used mostly to teach programming. With the growth of Data Science, ML, and AI – Python almost got to the center stage within the IT Industry. But if you are a software engineer, what do you learn – what will help you most? Find out in this video.

20. How to get into self-development?

Self-development or personal development is the buzzword today. We think that if we are not successful, we need to do something that will lead us to success. Self Development or Personal Development is what we turn towards. But where to start is the question. Find out in this video.

21. What is my view on RPA or Robotic Process Automation?

Every company is approaching automation. It is the star trek kind of vision. A fancy manufacturing plant where robots are doing all the work, and no human is required. That gives rise to Robotic Process Automation. Slowly and steadily, we are having more and more companies adopt this technology for Manufacturing and the IT field. RPA in manufacturing can be different from RPA in the IT field. But it is started getting used. Find out my view on RPA in the video.

22. How to prepare for Senior Analyst Technical Interview?

Any interview can be cumbersome. Also, the big question is whether a Senior Analyst Technical Interview is different from an Analyst or someone who is just starting in the field. I have a suggestion for all interviews. You can watch the video to find the right suggestion.

23. What is the next path after Full Stack Developer?

We set a goal. We work hard. We achieve the goal. What next? This question what is the next path after Full Stack Developer? It is similar to this statement I used just now. Find out what advice I give to this software engineer who wants to know what is next after full-stack development?

24. What is the career path for Data Science? I’m a masters in Zoology.

Is it possible for someone from a non-IT background to do data science? Data Science has become a go-to field to solve all the problems. Whether we want to predict the weather. Or we want to find out the probability of sports winning. Everything can be handled by data science. In this scenario – what are the chances that someone from Zoology education joins the Data Science Field. Find out in the video.

25. What are your views on the GATE?

GATE stands for Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering. This exam is given if you want to do a master’s in engineering in India. Find out my views about the same.

26. What do you do now? What is your profession?

I have worked in the software industry since 1995. I’m an Industrial Electronics B.E Graduate. After that, I pursued my interest in Computers and, specifically, software development. Since my first job, I have worked in the software industry. I must say that it has been a rollercoaster ride for me in this industry, and I enjoyed every bit of it. But then what am I doing now? Find out in the video.

27. What is the difference between Product based Companies vs. Services based Companies?

There are product companies in the software industry, like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, etc. There are service-based companies in the industry, Accenture, TCS, Infosys, and Deloitte. Both have great value as software companies, and they are pursued by engineers all over the world. Every software engineer has a dream to work with either a service-based company or a product-based company. If you are in a dilemma, which one is better than watch this video?

28. After learning C, C++, what should I learn next?

There are more than 150 programming languages in use today. They are used for building software applications of all different types. On the surface, all these programming languages look different, behave differently, and are used in different application development. But beneath the surface, all of them have the same intention, to make the computer work in the manner that the application is designed for. So then, which programming language is better to learn today? Is there a particular programming language that is more in demand vs. others that are in lesser demand? Find out in the video.

29. What are my thoughts on Tier1, Tier2, and Tier3 Colleges?

The IITs, NITs, and some other private colleges like the Bits Pilani and Roorkee have got the label of Tier1 colleges. Then there are tier2 colleges and also tier3 colleges. But the question is, where can you get better jobs. Are tier2 and tier3 colleges even worth the efforts? Find out my answer for the same.

30. What are the books or videos you recommend to Upskill?

Technology is changing faster than our college education. Before we can finish reading a book or studying a technology that technology can become obsolete, in this scenario, what are the best books or videos that are useful for an engineer.

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